Fuss Free Chia Porridge for Fussy Eaters

As we roll into winter, chia porridge is an easy go to for a quick and nutritious breakfast, or a warming and filling snack. Here’s our porridge for fussy eaters, and those that aren’t so fussy.

It’s simple and easy, nutrient dense with excellent fats, great fibre and antioxidants. It’s our sort of recipe.

We’ve published the Fuss Free Chia Porridge previously. This version is for those special souls who aren’t crazy about the texture of chia, and prefer a smoother version.



Cracked chia blended 30 seconds

2-3 tablespoons chia, blitzed in a blender or processor to crack and break the seeds – 20-30 seconds depending on blender and motor size.

1 tablespoon of LSA (linseed, sunflower, almond mix) optional

1 1/2 – 2 cups almond or coconut milk

1/2 cup organic berries

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

1 tablespoon chopped nuts of choice or cacao nibs, optional




place milk in small saucepan along with broken chia (and LSA if desired). stir to combine over low to medium heat.

Stir until well combined and milk is absorbed.

When porridge has thickened and is forming a gel, add the frozen or fresh berries and stir through. The heat from the porridge will be enough to thaw the berries if frozen.

Add coconut oil and stir in.

Add any nuts, cacao nibs or coconut as desired.

5 minutes to prepare, and less to eat.

