Tees 4 Change
Whollygrail’s self.community.planet philosophy is embraced in everything we do. From our SOURCE principles that hallmark ranging in our Store, to our community fundraising workshops and various information sources, we are all about making sure we give at every step in our process.
So our Tees 4 Change are born. GOTS certified organic and fairtrade and carrying a signature design, our Tees 4 Change support charities and organisations aligned with Whollygrail’s core philosophy.
Currently, we are proud to showcase;
Play, Live, Act with Love
Kristi is one of the incredible souls making a difference in our world. As the founder of Offspring Project, Kristi and her team are committed to restoring and reinvigorating survivors of human trafficking. Offspring Project’s model involves three key pillars to help survivors rebuild their lives. Education, Employment and Empowerment. We are so proud that our Play, Live, Act with Love design supports the efforts of Kristi and her team.
With this design, Whollygrail supports Save the Bees, an organisation primarily focused on restoring bee health. The disastrous effect of toxic pesticides used on and in our crops has devastated bee colonies worldwide. See Bee the Change for more information, and tips on how you can choose consciously to support healthy bee colonies, ourselves and our environment. And, choose our Bee the Change t shirt!
With this design, Whollygrail supports the work Compassionate Therapy. Penny and Mary have dedicated their lives to helping families overcome every day challenges. The Depository has been created to ensure support reaches everyone – their unique idea of Paying it Forward.
Wear a Conscious Choice t shirt to support the world that we want to create.